Beauty Water by Tori Holmes


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There is no better way to invest in wellness on a daily basis than to make sure we are drinking enough water. Holistic nutritionist and wellness entrepreneur Tori Holmes has developed ways to turn the simple act of hydration into a self-care ritual. As part of a timely conversation on beauty by ways of nutrition and supplements, she created 50 recipes for water-based elixirs that improve vitality, support longevity, and aid our bodies’ natural recovery mechanisms. She uses everything from common herbs like nettle, mint, and chamomile, to supplements like adaptogens, chlorophyll, and CBD oil to create elixirs for everyday use. Make her anti-aging Tocos Royal Jelly Plumper to aide youthfulness from within, Lion’s Mane Matcha to provide cognitive clarity, or Ashwagandha Chai Calmer for a good night’s rest.

Tori Holmes, originally from Alberta, Canada, went to Bangladesh after school to do volunteer work on various projects. In February 2006, after the events recounted in Crossing the Swell, she entered the record books as the youngest woman to row an ocean.

149 Pages